Structured Comments

Each comment has a type so that Uclusion can adjust logic and route notifications.

Any task, blocking, question or suggestion comment can be moved to its own job by using the Move button.

Blocking issues

Opening a blocking issue on a job does the following

  • If not already there, job changes stage to Assistance
  • Removes notifications that no longer apply like the notification to approve
  • Everyone except the creator receives a persistent notification.


Similar blocking issues but additionally, the ‘Add Option’ button on the created question can be used to gather approvals on possible answers.

Clicking an approvable option allows voting or commenting.


In addition to notifications and Assistance stage change, suggestions can be moved to tasks and support voting for or against the suggestion.


An assignee creating a new report resolves all previous reports. The previous reports will still show in the resolved section of the job.

Additionally, using a mention in a report sends a notification that remains until the mentioned person replies or opens a comment.


Opening a task prevents moving the job to Tasks Complete until the task is resolved. You can also move a task out of the job and into its own bug.